

Mynx on Mynx

February 26, 2007


Can't imagine why anybody would care to know anything about me, but they say I need to write this short autobiography in my own words, so here goes nothing!

That's me: Mynx

First of all, you need to know that Mynx d'Meanor is NOT my real name. That came much later, as I will explain. My real name is Dong Mei Ying, which means 'reflects beautiful light' in Chinese. But, I like Mynx and that's what all my friends and coworkers call me, so we'll go with that.

I was born and raised in Singapore, the second youngest in a family of four sons and two daughters. My father is an importer of rice and other foods. My mother teaches mathematics at the British School. Our family is not wealthy, really, but we want for little and by local standards are considered quite well off.

When I was growing up, we spoke English at home, never Chinese, which is my parents' native language. The only time my mother and father would speak Chinese is when they did not want us to understand when they were talking to each other. I was born in the Year of the Rabbit, which means I...

Posted at: 12:37 PM | Permalink

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